Monday, April 18, 2011

TREASURE: Quest for Jackie Chan Fan Sketch!

While working on 3 computers in succession (one on each state of mind), the "recreational" computer was trawling online and landed across this ever so cute Quest for Jackie Chan! dedication.

Sophia A. was one of the audience members of the "Maximum Choppage: Round 2" screening I did in Newcastle earlier this year. I recall driving for like 2 and a half hours north out of Sydney to launch and speak at this event, and always in great spirits that other youngies get inspired to take on the arts field, whether, filmmaking or acting.

At the end of the session, I gave away my last two Jackie Chan shirts I had in stock as well as some stick art. A few responded with their own art works that were sketched on the fly and I guess Ms little Sophia missed out - only to be discovered online.

All the best Sophia! and thank you for your kindness and founded digital piece of inspiration, that adds to the growth of the "Quest".

Intended title: For Maria Tran's Quest for Jackie Chan!

last night i went to the loft in town, and had another Inzine meeting about the current upcoming Inzine, and talked about the things i still have to submit for it. Which are a review on the best ninja game in the world (my opinion) "Red Ninja" and a drawing for a pirate and ninja spot the difference.

After the meeting, me and the other members went ahead watched a movie made by Maria Tran, who is currently doing a project to find and meet Jackie Chan. This picture included in this post is dedicated to her quest. It is a chibi of the legendary kung fu comedy actor himself, Jackie Chan!!

GOOD LUCK MARIA TRAN!! I hope you succeed in meeting jackie Chan.

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