I was at the Stuff premiere last Thursday watch the 7 short films made through the Parramatta City Council funded project that was managed by Amin Palangi at Information & Cultural Exchange (ICE). There was a good turn out of 200 people, either friends, families or distinguished guests, all wanting to watch 7 films from 7 different cultural groups and the issues that they faced.
I was one of the actors in Marie Setiawan's film "Fairytale", and it was the first time I acted on something "dramatic". I don't know why, and maybe its an actor thing, but I really hated my performance. I thought I did awful. I got external feedback and there were people who think I did well for my character and that they didn't expected a more mellowier performance from me.
Apparently, some actors have trouble detaching their true selves when it comes to roles and learning to act without bringing in remenants of yourself can be a tricky thing.
My sister, on the otherhand, didn't like my character. She reckons I'm a shockingly boring dramatic actor. Maybe so, I guess I better to either comedies or just plain action (which of course, I'm still developing).
P.S - Shout out to David Cheng (STUFF! Sound guy and his snapshots!
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